Sunday, April 19, 2015

Seeing the Light(s)

This post has been floating in my head for 4-5 months.  In December when we were happily driving around looking at Christmas lights, I was reminded of much darker times.  Two years before in December of 2012, I was alone driving the children around because my husband, Larry, was working out of town.  His job at the time required him to travel to areas with catastrophic events.  In December of 2012 he was in New York because of Super Storm Sandy.

All of this is very vivid because the night I took the kids to see the lights was the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.  Bo was 20 months old.  His eczema was consuming our entire family.  He was using Predicarbate and Triamcinolone (.25% on his face and 1% on his body).  He also was on Amoxicillin for infecton.  During our tour around the neighborhood to look at lights, he began scratching his knees and feet and screaming.  I pulled over in a shopping center and wrapped his legs. This was a common occurrence at this point.  I kept a roll of gauze and tape in the car door.  The first time he scratched until he bleed in the car was in July of 2012.  What a horrible, helpless feeling.  He only worsened during those 6 months.

Christmas 2012- He was on oral steroids.  Notice how red his little face looks.

The week between Christmas and New Year 2012.  Steroids beginning to wear off.

Our bag of prescriptions. 

Doctor's visit for asthma mid-December 2012 that prompted the prescription for oral steroids.

This was a pivotal time because it was when I began to realize that Bo wasn't going to heal with conventional treatments.  Larry realized that he had to be home to help with Bo's care.  Therefore, he began looking for a job that did not require overnight travel.

Christmas 2013- 9 months TSW

Fast forward to Christmas 2014.  Bo is 21 months into TSW.  The four of us go out looking at Christmas lights, listening to Christmas music and Bo is wearing clothes.  He did not even scratch or get uncomfortable!  As we passed by the shopping center where I wrapped him two years before, tears filled my eyes,  We have come so far and we are seeing the light.  The lights of healing and enjoying life.

Cooking with Mimi- Christmas 2014

Cute little elf!  Notice those beautiful feet!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! How amazing to read how far you've come!
